Caf-fanatics Webring Homepage


The Caf-fanatics Webring consists of sites dedicated to consuming high amounts of caffeine.  In order to be considered for this ring, your website should contain either personal information about caffeine consumption or have something to do with a product with high caffeine content or something of that sort.  Other than that, everyone is welcome to join.  Thank you for supporting this new webring!!!  

All you have to do it click on the link below and fill out the form.  Then you can copy the HTML fragment below and paste it directly to the HTML source code for your page.

Add my page to the Caf-fanatics Webring


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                <p align="center"><img border="0" src="" align="right" width="150" height="137"></td>

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                <p align="center">

                <br>This <a href="--ringurl--">--ringtitle--</a> site owned by <a href="mailto:--mail--">--name--</a>.

                <p align="center">

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                <br> [<a href="--navurl--?ring=--ringid--;random">Random Site</a>] [<a href="--navurl--?ring=--ringid--;list">List Sites</a>]



                <img border="0" src="" width="150" height="137"></td>





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